IPython (or R) notebooks developed (in hacking events and alike)


I have a question: do you know where I can get an overview of the code that has been generated in various events (e.g. ipython notebooks to analyse data) related to Open Data CH data sets?

It would be very useful to have a global space (or an interconnected decentralized space) for that. :slight_smile:


ps. I am happy to help in this w/ the School of Data in Switzerland.

That is an excellent question, thanks for raising the issue - our Wikidata workshop certainly helped confirm the way forward in sharing data explorations using notebooks!

Pointing to good showcases and improving our own has been something I’ve been working on in the background. The main way I would like to do this is by furthering Dribdat, the aggregator behind hack.opendata.ch and other event series. We are well indexed, and the search API is accessible through our chatbot interface.

I quickly scanned the project descriptions there and on our wikis to see which were in notebook form:

Some open Git data analysis here on the Forum:

There is the notebook I prepared for our Hackdays last weekend:

From a workshop last year, a Julia notebook here in which I looked at student statistics from the Canton of Zürich.

And an early (2014) Python notebook of mine based on R notebooks by @rastrau which use bike data from the City of Zürich.

For further thoughts on this, check out the blog of Timo Grossenbacher, who helped the Swiss national broadcaster start publishing R markdown - more outputs at the upcoming Hackdays!

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